I'm a software dev that has a need to create things that work well.
The irony is overwhelming.
The very first piece of software that I ever wrote was a content management system because I became so sick of editing html. I named it "oznet".
Eventually WordPress was stable, and it took over as the undisputed king of CMS's. It was a beautiful reprieve from the gaunt world of html.
However, here I am, years later, back at editing static files.
This site was hosted on NearlyFreeSpeech but it was entirely deleted.
I forgot to add money to my account for 30 days, and rather than just take my site offline, it was deleted entirely.
That includes the SQL databases.
It's entirely my fault, I admit. Right now, it looks like it's for the best.
Understanding every moving piece to my site is liberating. I could just have easily built this with a tiny bit of PHP or Ruby and probably saved a few manual edits, but I like that my entire site is just static files.
Neocities seems like a win right now. It's curious that someone thought "Remember Geocities and how attrocious everything looked?! I WANT THAT BACK!" but I think I understand it. There was something endearing about websites that people made, instead of designers and programmers and businesses.